Interviewing skills are the difference between getting the appointment for the job interview versus getting the job offer. Great job interviewing skills are essential if you want the best jobs in today’s competitive job market. Does the prospect of going into a strange room and answering questions from one or more strangers for 30-60 minutes and then having your entire career decided to intimidate you or make you nervous? You can become a master on interviewing skills. Imagine walking into a job interview know that you will look and sound your best. You are completely confident that you can speak in a compelling and understanding manner. You know that you have great messages, examples and stories about your experiences and experiences that the interview will find as compelling reasons as to why you are a great fit for this job. When you walk out of the interview you know that you did your very best, that the interviewer understands and respects your unique talents. Regardless of whether you get the job, you know you did the very best you could possibly do in the job interview and you make the best case possible as to why you should be hired. “For more than 30 years I have coached executives on their interviewing skills and presentation skills in the corporate world. I’m here to tell you that nobody is a natural at this. Job interviewing skills is something that anyone can learn but that nobody is born with. I have a simple, step-by-step process that will help you build confidence and skill in communicating effectively in job interviews. I can’t guarantee you will get every job offer, but I can assure you that I will help you come across your very best in every interview.” - TJ Walker, Instructor Please note: This course is not an “information product.” This interview skills course is not “passive income” for the creator. This course is designed for students who are serious about getting good at their interviewing skills and are willing to practice on video. TJ Walker assigns homework and personally gives detailed critiques on the interviewing skills of each and every student after they post their videos. Please note: this is an interviewing skills course on how to speak effectively while on a job interview. It is taught by a world-class speaking expert who demonstrates how to speak effectively in a job interview by speaking directly to students. If you are looking for a course with lots of graphics, special effects, music and sound effects, then this course is not for you. If you want to dramatically improve your job interview skills, then enroll today! Here is what Udemy students say about this course: "Great information on job interviews delivered quickly and in an effective way:)" Cristina Prudente "This course is a complete package of preparation for the interview. I have learned a lot and recommend to all to go through this course." Tushank Trigunayet This Interviewing Skills course is ideal for anyone searching for more info on the following: job interview - interview - career hacking - mastering the interview - LinkedIn - resume - data science interview - soc analyst - LinkedIn profile - spring boot . Plus, this course will be a great addition to anyone trying to build out their knowledge in the following areas: job search - resume and cv writing - coding interview.
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    This course will teach the student to explore and prepare for both the mental and physical parts of the job interview process . After taking this course the student will have an understanding of how the mind works from the inside out. How stress felt in the job interview is not created from the circumstance but from the thoughts they create about the event. From here the student will learn that they can ignore those thoughts and perform at a high state of mind. They will combine this state of mind with the key targeted focused acting skills required the any job interview. The student will learn the importance of breathe control to remain focused, posture, eye contact, voice exercises to clearly communicate their best self. Over 97 % of people prepare for the job interview but ignore the most important factors. First their state of mind. With an understanding of HOW the mind works students learn to relax let go feel less stressed while in the job interview itself. Next when the student chooses from numerous acting exercises that will serve them. They come across as more confident, assured humble and likeable. They will build rapport faster with the interviewer and connect on a deeper level. After taking this course the student will show they have the soft skills to get hired . Since they have the required hard skills to have been chosen for the interview. The job interview is never about having the proper hard skills but the suitable soft skills to get along with everyone else in the new work space. S kip the painful learning that most new job seekers spend struggling to pass their first job interview before they realize they need help in figuring out how to do it right. I created this course because I did exactly that (30 times!) and I want you to have the chance to have an easier time being successful at your job interview. Enjoy both PRACTICAL and INSPIRATIONAL lectures! You get everything you need in this course to beat out the other job applicants. See exactly what worked for me and how I used easy techniques to do all the things most of your competitors miss. You can leapfrog the hundreds of hours of painful learning I spent figuring out job interview success the hard way by taking this course now! .
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      *Content is still being added to this course* It does not matter if you are preparing to get your first job or if you are a seasoned professional my course will have priceless information that will help you step up your career and life! I have gone through many interviews, resume revisions, received and applied advice from mentors, researched salaries, and negotiated salaries. What I want to do is take my hours of research, experience, and tested advice from my mentors and give you a model to follow based on what I know will work. It is not worth your time to try to reinvent the wheel, I will give you everything you need to succeed and provide you with examples and tools showing how they worked for me and how they can work for you. You can spend a few hours following my course, or spend MANY hours going through interviews to develop the same understanding and processes that I already have. If you re ready to nail an interview and level up your career and life this is the course for you.
        YOU HAVE LESS THAN 60 MINUTES TO MAKE AN IMPRESSION IN A JOB INTERVIEW. DON’T WASTE TIME STATING ALL THE BORING FACTS FROM YOUR RESUME. Use stories to build trust, credibility and engage with your future employer – fast – to land your dream job. With exercises and step-by-step instructions, this book will teach you how to tell stories about your personal and professional life to connect with your interviewer and stand out from all the other candidates. Through the use of storytelling, you’ll demonstrate your capabilities and values, and how valuable an asset you are to any team, organisation and your future employer – no matter what stage you’re at in your career. THIS COURSE WILL HELP YOU TO: • unleash the power of stories – the number one skill in business today • distinguish yourself from the rest of the interview pack • land a job in three interviews or less (not more than 50) • define, find, match, construct and prepare your own stories • take on tricky questions like: ‘What’s your biggest weakness?’ • use your stories in the first 90 days of your new role and beyond. GABRIELLE DOLAN is an expert in communication and a global thought leader in business storytelling, as well as a highly sought-after keynote speaker and mentor. She is also the best-selling author of Ignite: Real Leadership, Real Talk, Real Results and Hooked: How Leaders Connect, Engage and Inspire with Storytelling.
          This course prepared depending on my real Software Engineer job interviews experiences with Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Snapchat. In this course you will learn how to Analysis algorithms like Sorting, Searching,  and Graph algorithms. And how to reduce the code complexity from one Big-O  level to another level. Furthermore, you will learn different type of Data Structure for your code. Also you will learn how to find Big-O for every data structure, and how to apply  correct Data Structure to your problem in Java. By the end you will be able to write code that run faster and use low memory. You Also will learn  how to analysis problems using Dynamic programming. We will discus code complexity in Different algorithms like Sorting algorithms ( Bubble, Merge, Heap, and quick sort) , searching algorithms ( Binary search, linear search, and Interpolation), Graph algorithms( Binary tree, DFS, BFS, Nearest Neighbor and Shortest path, Dijkstra's Algorithm, and A* Algorithm). and Data Structure like Dynamic Array, Linked List, Stack, Queue, and Hash-Table
            Originally designed for those conducting video interviews, this course is finding favour also with those interviewing on audio (podcasts, radio) and for text (articles, blogs etc). The lessons you learn here can be applied across all these formats. Did you know that interviewing is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to rapidly create quality content that will boost your business in multiple ways? Whether it be on camera, podcast or for blogging? JOIN OVER 2400 STUDENTS ALREADY TAKING THIS COURSE! Be taught by a proven expert Start doing fantastic interviews, with no outlay and no experience whatsoever. Become an accomplished interviewer rapidly and easily by following this course. "Thorough explanation of interviewing for video, covering all the essentials, pleasantly explained at a pace that is just right for most people. " This course was designed primarily for video interviews - the hardest form to master - yet will give you the skills to apply across any medium. Video, audio or text. When you can do it for video, you can easily for it for the other mediums. Plus - you can re-purpose video content into the other mediums. Once you know the key techniques and approaches, interviewing is a very effective way to generate fresh and original content that can punch through the multitude of dross out there. It's a key tool for you to boost your brand, reputation and business! If you're looking for great interviews without some study and effort, please don't take this course. You'll need to study the course, step-by-step and implement its teaching to enjoy success. All you need to get started is the time to follow the course, a pen and paper and willingness to learn . " I have learned so much that I can and will apply to my craft. Thank You! " NOW includes step-by-step slides to help you progress rapidly! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ About this course: Over 2000 happy students! No previous experience, equipment or anything else is required Full, free lifetime access All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money back guarantee-that's a personal promise from me to you of your success! Now includes full set of slides to help you quickly follow the lectures " Although I'm only training for having interviews in my podcast, Paul's course is a great help. He provided me a lot of helpful details, especially in the "Interviewing is an Art" section. Especially the lessons about preparation and how to raise questions were extremely supportive. " SEE HOW I GET: Outstanding interviews every time that help build my brand, reputation and income Interviews that attract audiences and positive reviews around the world Excellent relationships and interviews with leading personalities in politics, business and the online world " Now much more confident to get out there and interview relevant people. An interview, well done, will add immensely to my product as well as provide valuable insights to my niche. Thank you :) " You won't need any prior experience or specialist equipment to get started with this. I show you how to approach, plan, conduct, edit and distribute interviews of whatever length. I go step-by-step, and hold nothing back. I give concrete examples of how to plan and conduct great interviews. You are not only getting a course in this essential skill, you're getting insights into how a professional film director thinks, plans and executes his work. Regardless of whether you have experience in filmmaking and interviewing already, this course will help you hugely to advance your skills to immediately start creating outstanding content for your blogs, social media, videos and films and elsewhere. " I was really impressed not only at Paul's knowledge of every aspect of video interviewing, but also at his easy way of talking me through it. He has clearly thought through some of the subtler issues, like video's capacity for conveying emotion better than other media can. This is a really thoughtfully designed course that will help people who need or want to learn all the ins and outs of video interviewing. " You'll learn: What is a great interview Why do great interviews How to use interviews How to plan the interviews How to think about the three key choices with video interviews How to choose the interviewee How to choose locations An insider technique called “magic hour" Why time planning matters The “art" of video interviewing How to structure and plan an interview Why “emotional intelligence" is crucial for success What kinds of questions to ask and why How to get the gold in video interviewing How to achieve technical perfection with your video interviews How to save time and money when editing video interviews How to become a star interviewer and use this to enhance your reputation and brand … And much more!
              It's not secret that most hiring managers don't actually get good at interviewing and hiring . One of the causes is not getting enough practice, sure. But not having a quantitative approach with evidence-based questions , measuring skills, traits and outcomes for these is the biggest problem. In this course, you are going to learn how to effectively prepare for and conduct quality interviews that generate better candidates.
                This course has been hand-selected by Udemy for the Udemy for Business (UFB) content collection - updated October 2017 Building best-in-class teams, starts with hiring the right people and the interview event is a crucial step in the hiring process. And interview questions are a key component of the interview. Many business owners and managers of small businesses do not possess formal training in conducting interviews, including the techniques required to formulate effective interview questions. This course on Interview Questions will fill that need. By the end of this course, hiring managers will be able to develop professional and effective interview questions to identify a candidate’s: ·       Hard Skills ·       Soft Skills ·       Expertise The course reveals how the job scope determines the requirements that candidates must meet, and how questions are formulated to identify these job requirements . The course is structured such that participants need to invest only about an hour. And by the end of this hour, they will have a bank of 18 questions which can be used “off the shelf”. Real life examples are employed throughout the course. And the questions and sample jobs used in this course have wide applications for several industries. This, coupled with a thorough analysis and reasoning behind the 18 questions, would enable course participants to adapt these questions to suit their particular needs.
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                  One of the most important decisions a company can make is hiring new employees. Good hiring decisions can make or break teams and can have a direct impact on a company's bottom line.  Additionally, increasing diversity in hiring is about more than simple fair hiring practices.  Research shows diverse teams make faster decisions and are more innnovative.  This class is designed to assist managers, supervisors, and HR staff in improving interviewing skills. This IAAP-certified counts for 0.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Operational Functions content area. Email [email protected] with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate.
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                    Preparation is the key to success. In this course, we have covered all major and important details to crack interviews at major MNC companies. In this course curriculum we would like to cover major important points like How to prepare for an interview What to expect from a software development engineer? What are the key aspects that software development engineer should have focus on while preparing for the interview? A level-wise comparison like SDE 1 versus SDE2 versus SDE3 Interview process followed by different companies and different levels of software engineers. What are the competencies that an individual be evaluated on for a Software role at TOP MNC companies? Interview Expectations and sample preparation questions. How to prepare an effective resume where a recruiter will shortlist your profile. Getting your profile shortlisted is very important without will you can even move a step. So we would like to cover the details about what are the key points that individuals should mention on the resume and how to highlight the key points of the key contributions to the project.